फ़्लाइट फेज़
फ़ुल फ़्लाइट सिमुलेटर सत्र एक योग्य परीक्षक की देखरेख में सालाना (या अगर आप किसी एयरलाइन के लिए काम कर रहे हैं, तो साल में दो बार) किया जाता है।
जानें हमारी ट्रेनिंग लोकेशंस को!
क्या आपके कोई सवाल हैं?
जवाब जानेंसुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि यह प्रोग्राम
आपके लिए सही है या नहीं?
अन्य विकल्पों का अन्वेषण करें

EASA लाइसेंस में रूपांतरण

ज़ीरो फ़्लाइट टाइम ट्रेनिंग

अपसेट प्रिवेंशन और रिकवरी ट्रेनिंग

रिफ़्रेशर ट्रेनिंग

टाइप रेटिंग इंस्ट्रक्टर (TRI)

TRE/SFE स्टैंडर्डाइज़ेशन कोर्स

सिंथेटिक फ़्लाइट इंस्ट्रक्टर (SFI)

मल्टी-क्रू कोऑपरेशन इंस्ट्रक्टर (MCCI)

मल्टी-क्रू कोऑपरेशन (MCC)

जेट ओरियंटेशन कोर्स (JOC)

बेस ट्रेनिंग


Bruno Coelho
“My experience with BAA Training has been extremely positive. I recently went for my LPC recheck and was very impressed with their facilities and the commitment of the BAA Training team. Their dedication and professionalism truly stand out, and I highly recommend their services.”

Coia Cesar Gonzalez
“I would like to share my very positive thoughts about BAA Training. I just have good things to say. Once you jump into the simulator, you have very professional examiners and amazing facilities, including new simulators. I had LPC with two different Spanish examiners – David in 2023 and Alfonso in 2024. Besides the standard program, they ask you if you would like to train in any other maneuver, and you can “see” and train other maneuvers that you never trained during your checks with your regular company. The examiners are there to show you the different sides of failures. We talk in detail about problems and failures you can experience during the flight. After my LPC with BAA Training, I passed an assessment as an A320 Captain with Etihad just a few days later. If you think about renewing or validating your license, don’t think twice. I totally recommend BAA Training.”

Ricardo Bortolozo
"I recently completed my last LPC on the A320 at BAA Training Barcelona, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. The new, last-generation simulator, the outstanding instruction team, the fantastic facilities, and the excellent service provided by the BAA Training team all exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended!"

Richard Melo
"I have 15 years of experience in commercial aviation, and every year, we always do simulator training, which is part of the strictest rules in world aviation. However, I would like to report that BAA Training is a serious and accessible company with a fantastic team that welcomes customers from the first contact until the end of the training. Respect and helpfulness are the outstanding qualities of this team that will always have my respect. BAA Training Vilnius, thank you very much."