ATPL एकीकृत
अध्ययन विकल्प:
क्यों BAA प्रशिक्षण?
एबी इनीशियो समेत पूर्ण-परिधि वायुसेना प्रशिक्षण, टाइप रेटिंग समेत
हम अक्सर अपने छात्रों को रोजगार के लिए साझेदार एयरलाइंस की ओर संदर्भित करते हैं
हम एक अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डे पर प्रशिक्षण कराते हैं ताकि छात्र अपने भविष्य, के कार्यस्थल के परिवेश के लिए पहले से ही अभ्यस्त हो सकें

Mindaugas Migauskas
“I started my ATPL Integrated program as a cadet immediately after the summer of the year when I had finished high school (2017), then I finished the ATPL Integrated program in just under 2 years (2019) and was accepted immediately into the airline company. At the exact same time that I became fully qualified, COVID-19 brought the airline industry to a halt, and my contract was immediately terminated. I then spent about 1 year mostly working a different job, and I was also happy to have had the opportunity to be acting as an Assisting Pilot in various A320 full flight simulator trainings in BAA Training where I eventually gathered about 400 simulator hours by the end of the pandemic and was feeling in the best possible shape for when a job opportunity will open. Eventually, I was invited to join an airline and have enjoyed the journey with my current airline company ever since. As of the end of 2023, I have over 1600 flight hours, I am working additionally as an Airbus A320 Theoretical Knowledge Instructor at BAA Training. After a full circle, I now perform interviews for cadets who want to join our airline company just like I once was and could not be happier with my career than I now am.”

Evagoras Stylianou
“I did the ATPL Integrated course, finished in July 2020. I managed to get into the WizzAir Cadet Programme provided by BAA Training, and the school seemed professional and with good facilities, aircraft. Overall, I had quite a good experience with BAA Training, and was quite happy with quality of the training and the instructors. Met some very experienced pilots during the flight training, and also during ground school that used or were still flying for some of the legacy airlines.”

Alexandra Moraru
“I started with BAA Training in 2018, after I just finished high school. I chose ATPL Integrated and got my license in 2021 due to COVID. Currently, I’m a First Officer on Airbus A320 at FlyOne Airlines, previously flew for]AirMoldova. BAA Training really became my second home for the 3 years, and apart from many ups and downs, with all the help and support, and quality provided by the academy, I could accomplish my dream in a relatively short time! All instructors are highly qualified, skilled, and professional as pilots, they teach you will all passion and put a lot of effort to make you a great pilot. I will never stop being grateful to BAA Training for the possibility to get to know so many good and nice people, friends and, of course, for making me a pilot I’m now.”

Dan Casey
“I completed the Wizz Air Cadet Program with the ATPL Integrated training program. I started in October 2018 and got my CPL in July 2021, COVID delayed a bit! I've been with WizzAir since. BAA Training was a cheaper alternative compared to most, so it was good for me and my family. Also, offered a job at an airline at the end, which was vital for us. High-quality classrooms and facilities, Vilnius is absolutely fantastic as well, one of my favourite cities in the world now.”

Tarvydas Čepkauskas
“I was a student at BAA Training ATPL Integrated program 2017-2019, and at the moment I work at WizzAir. The training program itself was good, quick, stressful (as for everybody everywhere, I guess), but in the end, all of that was worth it. I made some awesome friends during that period, I had the most awesome memories. The environment was good, all the classmates were great, and the instructors maintained a very good synergy in the classroom. All in all, I would highly recommend choosing BAA Training as your pilot school because I know you won’t regret it in the end.”

“I joined as a Wizz Air cadet on the ATPL Integrated programme. My experience of the ground school was exceptional, the instructors were all very good, and the office staff were brilliant! In fact, I requested Vilnius as my WizzAir base because of how welcome I felt thanks to the amazing people at BAA in Lithuania.”

Tagir Niftaliyev
“I did ATPL Integrated course from 2018 to 2021. I currently fly for business aviation on Embraer Legacy 650. BAA Training, at the time I joined, was a good combination of quality for the money, new facilities, etc. Quality of training was good, management was approachable, instructors were supportive and with good personalities overall.”

Nazar Dmytrovskiy
“I finished ATPL Integrated in 2020, right at the cusp of COVID. Now I’m flying in the EU in corporate, flying citations from CJ to CJ3+. BAA Training had a clear presence online, was a big school with its own fleet of more than a few aircraft and looked like you have a rolling pattern that works. In general, BAA Training is very good, despite having some planning flaws when transitioning to ME, which delayed the plan by 5 months—that was also the time to enjoy, study your problematic areas, get along with Lithuanians, and have a “labai gerai” (Eng. “very good”) time. In general, I never regretted BAA Training as a school, and enjoyed the location and support. Lithuania was a discovery for me and the place I call a second home. It was hard sometimes, it was expensive to a certain degree, but it all paid off.”

Roberto Gallorini
“I have been a student in BAA Training in the ATPL Integrated course from November 2021 until September 2023. Back then, I chose BAA Training after attending a webinar at my high school and after asking a couple of friends who were studying there, who gave me good feedback. In BAA Training, I found an overall high level of training in both ground school and flight school, you can see how much BAA Training cares about standards by providing great and highly professional instructors. Flight school had highs and lows, but I have seen that the school operates as much as possible to make everything go smoothly and regularly in order to provide one of the best training services in all of Europe!”

Christopher Nagel
“Overall, my experience at BAA Training was positive and successful. Ground school in Lithuania was a great experience, with knowledgeable instructors and a diverse group of students. I look back on it fondly to this day. Though we occasionally faced operational challenges, flight training in Lleida was equally rewarding. The camaraderie within our group, coupled with the beauty of destinations like La Seu and San Sebastián, as well as the meteorological challenges, made the experience both enjoyable and diverse. In the end, I was able to complete my training in under 2 years and hold the CPL in my hand shortly after.”

Asolat Sandybayeva
"I’ve been studying at the Civil Aviation Academy in Kazakhstan for 2 years for the ATPL program and studying the ATPL Integrated at BAA Training. Our academy made a partnership with BAA Training, which gave us a chance to study abroad and explore European culture. Each part of the training was an amazing experience. Doing theory in Vilnius and flying in Spain was absolutely incredible for me – the people working in BAA Training were good both in Vilnius and in Lleida. Our instructors, as they were working as pilots in airlines, gave invaluable advice and information, which later helped us during exams or flight practice. 10 out of 10! I enjoyed every day being in Lleida – except for moody days with a lot of fog!”

Ankit Teeluck
I am currently enrolled in the ATPL(A) program at BAA Training in Vilnius, which began in June 2024. I chose BAA Training because it aligns with my passion for aviation and my goal of becoming a successful pilot. The school has a strong reputation for high-quality pilot training, emphasizing professional standards and safety. The comprehensive curriculum covers not only technical flying skills but also important areas like safety, regulations, and flight psychology, providing a well-rounded education for real-world flying. Instructors demonstrate a strong level of professionalism and are genuinely caring, providing support and assistance to students. I also have to mention Training Managers who always aim to make your experience better and who are always there to provide help and support. I’m excited to continue this journey and look forward to starting flight school soon!
आपको नीचे सूचीबद्ध कैडेट कार्यक्रमों में भी रुचि हो सकती है। वे सभी एटीपीएल एकीकृत प्रारूप पर आधारित हैं, लेकिन मुख्य अंतर यह है कि उनमें टाइप रेटिंग और बेस प्रशिक्षण शामिल है, जो आपको स्नातक होने के बाद एक विशिष्ट एयरलाइन में शामिल होने के लिए तैयार करता है।
विस्तृत विवरण
प्रत्येक प्रशिक्षण चरण और मूल्यांकन शुल्क के लिए मूल्य निर्धारण नीचे दिया गया है। आप अपने प्रारंभिक एटीपीएल एकीकृत प्रशिक्षण कार्यक्रम में पसंदीदा प्रकार की रेटिंग जोड़कर एक संपूर्ण पैकेज का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त, आवास बुकिंग के लिए उपलब्ध है।
एटीपीएल एकीकृत:
कीमत की शुरुआत:
ग्राउंड स्कूल
15 740 €
उड़ान स्कूल
59 260 €
कीमत की शुरुआत:
प्रारंभिक असेसमेंट (ऑनलाइन)
380 €
प्रकार रेटिंग + बेस प्रशिक्षण
25 000 €
500 € /महीना
हमारे छात्र इनके
लिए उड़ान भरते हैं
प्रवेश से
जुड़ी ज़रूरतें
18 वर्ष से अधिक उम्र
सेकेंडरी या उससे ज़्यादा
शारीरिक अवस्था
मान्य EASA फ़र्स्ट क्लास मेडिकल सर्टिफ़िकेट
व्यक्तिगत योग्यता और योग्यता
BAA ट्रेनिंग की चुनाव समिति द्वारा बनाए गए खास टेस्ट्स और इंटरव्यू को पूरा करना ज़रूरी है
थियरी की तैयारी
मैथ्स, फिज़िक्स, और अंग्रेज़ी की जानकारी ज़रूरी है
क्या आपके कोई सवाल हैं?
जवाब जानेंआवेदन
हमसे संपर्क करें
कृपया फ़ॉर्म भरें और हम आपके लिए BAA ट्रेनिंग में एक निजी मैनेजर नियुक्त कर देंगे।
दस्तावेज़ों की जाँच
उम्मीदवार का असेसमेंट
एटीपीएल एकीकृत
प्रोग्राम संरचना
यह सिद्धांत और उड़ान चरणों को कवर करने वाला निर्बाध प्रशिक्षण है। आप सिद्धांत और उड़ान प्रशिक्षण को एक साथ पूरा करके तेजी से बदलाव का विकल्प चुन सकते हैं, एक क्लासिक विकल्प जहां सिद्धांत और उड़ान प्रशिक्षण एक के बाद एक होते हैं (नीचे प्रशिक्षण संरचना), या उड़ान प्रशिक्षण के बाद ऑनलाइन सिद्धांत।
कुल अवधि:
सिद्धांत घंटे
उड़ान प्रशिक्षण घंटे
उड़ान प्रशिक्षण
फ़्लाइट ट्रेनिंग
फ़्लाइट ट्रेनिंग
फ़्लाइट ट्रेनिंग
फ़्लाइट ट्रेनिंग
11 | 3
फ़्लाइट ट्रेनिंग
3 | 16
सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि यह प्रोग्राम
आपके लिए सही है या नहीं?