Conheça os nossos

Kenneth Mark Sorensen
Diretor de Instrução
Funções na BAA Training:
- Ser responsável pelo cumprimento das regulamentações Parte-FCL/ORA.
- Garantir a relevância dos programas de formação.
- Implementar novos requisitos de formação para garantir a mais elevada qualidade na instrução.
- Garantir a comunicação oportuna com a repetiva Autoridade de Aviação Civil (CAA).
- Liderar diariamente a equipa da ATO, incluindo escola de voo e TRTO.

Vytautas Stankevicius
Diretor Adjunto de Formação
Funções na BAA Training:
- Desempenhar um papel fundamental no controlo dos processos TRTO adequados baseados em EASA regulations.
- Garantir a relevância dos programas de formação.
- Estabelecer novas tendências de aprendizagem com a equipa da linha de produtos.
- Assegurar a comunicação atempada com a CAA.
- Gerir o processo de avaliação dos alunos.
A minha carreira na aviação começou em 1981. Desde então, voei como copiloto e comandante numa série de companhias aéreas. Acumulei 13000 horas de experiência de voo como Piloto Comandante e um total de 16500 em aviões, incluindo B737, A320, SAAB 2000, ATR 42 e JAK 40. Além disso, tenho trabalhado como TRI/TRE de B737 e A320 desde 2010.

Omar Noureldin
Subdiretor de Instrução de Voo para Formação Inicial de Pilotos
Voo desde 2013 e juntei-me à BAA Training como instrutor em 2019. Ao longo da minha carreira, pilotei várias aeronaves monomotor e multimotor, incluindo modelos Cessna, Piper, Tecnam e Diamond. O meu foco principal tem sido providenciar treino abrangente para instrutores e alunos, que esteja alinhado com a moderna procura da indústria aeronáutica. Ao longo dos anos, treinei alunos para a BAA Training, seus clientes e companhias aéreas de renome. Além de formar pilotos para companhias aéreas, também efetuei instrução personalizada com instrutores de voo de diversos níveis, respondendo aos requisitos e expectativas profissionais das suas respectivas empresas.
Funções na BAA Training:
- Liderar e gerir o processo de padronização dos instrutores de voo no departamento Ab Initio (Formação Inicial de Pilotos).
- Realizar avaliações de instrutores durante os procedimentos iniciais de recrutamento e padronização.
- Garantir estrita aderência aos procedimentos padrão da BAA Training e regulamentos de segurança operacional ao longo da Instrução de Voo.
- Supervisionar as operações de voo Ab Initio.

Jose Manuel dos Reis Dias
Subchefe Instrutor de Conhecimentos Teóricos
Funções na BAA Training:
- Coordenar e executar a formação teórica inicial em todas as bases.
- Implementar e monitorizar as últimas metodologias de treino e sistema de formação teórica.
- Implementar e monitorizar as últimas metodologias de treino e sistema de formação teórica.
- Supervisionar o trabalho dos TKIs e padronizar regularmente todos os TKIs.
- Garantir o desempenho atempado da formação.
- Garantir a eficácia da formação e a qualidade de ensino.
- Garantir exames atempados e de elevada qualidade.
- Supervisionar a Área 100 KSA para cursos e TKIs.
O meu entusiasmo pela aviação começou quando obtive o PPL(A) em 1980. Depois disso, seguiu-se uma carreira como meteorologista operacional, instrutor de conhecimentos teóricos e oficial de operações aéreas na Força Aérea Portuguesa. Desde 2015, tenho-me dedicado principalmente a cursos profissionais na aviação civil, ensinando Meteorologia e Desempenho Humano. Desde 2018, tenho também lecionado a Área 100 KSA bem como técnicas de Ensino e Aprendizagem a Instrutores de Voo. Desde janeiro de 2023, sou o Subchefe de Instrução Teórica na BAA Training.

Oriol Rodriguez Flotats
Subdiretor de Instrução para Formação Inicial de Pilotos
Tenho me dedicado à instrução de voo desde 2015, colaborando com diferentes ATOs como Instrutor de Conhecimentos Teóricos em diferentes disciplinas e como Instrutor de Voo. Juntei-me à BAA Training em 2019, envolvendo-me na padronização de instrutores e avaliação do progresso dos alunos. O meu objetivo é claro: reforçar diariamente a segurança das nossas operações e elevar a qualidade da instrução dos futuros pilotos.
Funções na BAA Training:
- Observar e avaliar o progresso dos alunos.
- Monitorizar a padronização e supervisionar a sua execução com Instrutores de Voo em Ab Initio.
- Monitorizar a padronização e supervisionar a sua execução com Instrutores de Voo em Ab Initio.
- Garantir que a formação se mantém atualizada de forma oportuna e de acordo com regulamentações e necessidades internas.
- Garantir a conformidade dos exercícios práticos de instrução com os requisitos relevantes do programa de treino.

Lasse Loschenkohl
Instrutor Chefe de Conhecimento Teórico
Funções na BAA Training:
- Definindo padrões internos de treinamento teórico.
- Treinamento e padronização dos Instrutores de Conhecimento Teórico (TKI).
- Garantindo que o treinamento teórico esteja em conformidade com os requisitos legais.
- Desenvolvendo programas de treinamento teórico para treinamento de instrutores, cursos de reciclagem, etc.
- Atualizando e ajustando programas de treinamento teórico.
- Desenvolvendo planos de treinamento para atender ao volume de treinamento.
- Supervisionando a documentação de treinamento teórico.
- Supervisionando os processos de Exame de Conhecimento Teórico.
- Integrando TEM, CRM e CBTA no treinamento teórico.
- Garantindo qualidade e eficiência nos programas de treinamento teórico da BAA Training.
Comecei a voar em 2011 e iniciei minha carreira de instrutor em 2013. Desde então, tenho ministrado instrução de Voo, MCC, TKI e TRI, criado programas de treinamento e materiais, como para A-UPRT, e uma variedade de outros cursos e certificações. Tenho voado como Capitão nas aeronaves da família Boeing 737 e completado pouco mais de 6.400 horas de voo. No meu tempo livre, eu voo regularmente em aeronaves acrobáticas e outros modelos de trem de pouso convencional.

Mindaugas Migauskas
“I would like to personally thank my VFR flight instructor, Egor Gorshkov, for his high standards, deep level of knowledge and skill, and, most importantly, patience and 100% trust from Day 1. I would also like to thank my IFR fight instructor, Darius Tuzikas, for the high requirements down to the smallest details that he was pushing us to achieve and for being fair and honest with us at times when we were falling back.”

Evagoras Stylianou
“Overall, I was quite happy with the quality of the training and the instructors. Met some very experienced pilots during the flight training, and also during ground school that used to or were still flying for some of the legacy airlines.”

Alexandra Moraru
“All instructors are highly qualified, skilled, and professional as pilots, they teach you a lot of passion and put a lot of effort in making you a great pilot. I am so grateful to instructors who always believed in me, especially I would like to mention Omar El Sawi, as he not only did everything a Flight Instructor should, but he also had the greatest CRM a pilot can have. A good pilot is a good person in the first place, and he’s 100%.”
“I LOVED my flight training in Lleida-Alguaire, it’s a small and cozy place, you can walk around in 20 mins, but with a special vibe that you will never forget. And, of course, the airport—almost just for you.”

Tarvydas Čepkauskas
“My VFR instructor was (and still is) one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met. All of the instructors showed high level of professionalism, dedication to teach. The environment was good, and the instructors maintained a very good synergy in the classrooms.”

Nazar Dmytrovskiy
“It was above standard as most instructors were knowledgeable and skillful in explaining, not only reading the presentation. They were professional in terms of flying and explaining, and they did share a passion of young wannabes, so it made the emotional atmosphere in the cockpit very pleasant and warm. Looking back, the ones I had were very well-trained.”

Javier Gayoso Jiménez
"For my Type Rating, I chose BAA Training because of their reputation for quality training and their partnership with Avion Express, where I’m currently completing the selection process. The training quality was exceptional – instructors demonstrated a high level of professionalism, providing thorough and engaging instructions throughout the program."

Florian Devauchelle
“I chose BAA Training as my training provider because the Avion Express Cadet Program is in collaboration with the academy for the Type Rating (Airbus A320). There is a very high quality of training. All the instructors have important experience with thousands of flight hours on Airbus. They really push us to give the best, and they explain every exercise in a positive way. They are very professional and take all their time for the success of the trainees.”

Asolat Sandybayeva
"Doing theory in Vilnius and flying in Spain was absolutely incredible for me – the people working in BAA Training were good both in Vilnius and in Lleida. Our instructors, as they were working as pilots in airlines, gave invaluable advice and information, which later helped us during exams or flight practice.”

Coia Cesar Gonzalez
“I would like to share my very positive thoughts about BAA Training. Once you jump into the simulator, you have very professional examiners. I had LPC with two different Spanish examiners – David in 2023 and Alfonso in 2024. Besides the standard program, they ask you if you would like to train in any other maneuver, and you can “see” and train other maneuvers that you never trained during your checks with your regular company. The examiners are there to show you the different sides of failures. We talk in detail about problems and failures you can experience during the flight. I would like to thank Cpt. Alfonso very much, because after my LPC with BAA Training, I passed an assessment as an A320 Captain with Etihad just a few days later. If you think about renewing or validating your license, don’t think twice. I totally recommend BAA Training.”

Ricardo Bortolozo
"I recently completed my last LPC on the A320 at BAA Training Barcelona, and I couldn’t be more satisfied. The new, last-generation simulator, the outstanding instruction team, the fantastic facilities, and the excellent service provided by the BAA Training team all exceeded my expectations. Highly recommended!"

Salman Asif Firfire
The instructors were highly professional and supportive throughout the process. They were approachable, making it easy to ask questions, and provided real-world insights. The most significant challenge for me was managing the intensity of the training schedule. It’s fast-paced, but with a good balance of discipline and guidance from the instructors, I was able to keep up. Their willingness to offer extra help whenever needed made a big difference in overcoming the steep learning curve.

Aadhul Nisad
I would rate the training highly, as the instructors are very knowledgeable and professional. They brought extensive real-world experience into the classroom and flight sessions, ensuring that I received both theoretical and practical insights. The challenges I faced were adapting to the intense schedule and the steep learning curve, but with the help of supportive instructors and time management, I was able to overcome them.

Poornanand Reddy Pulagurla
The instructors were not only professional but also approachable, which made learning easier. They balanced classroom instruction with practical flying experience and their ability to explain complex concepts in a straightforward way. One of the main challenges was managing the workload, especially during the program's initial phases. However, by staying organized and seeking advice from the instructors whenever needed. They were always ready to offer additional guidance, which made a big difference. The instructors are invested in your success, and the resources provided are top-notch, making it an excellent option for aspiring pilots.

Akshay Rajendra Prasad
When it comes to instructors, they are very knowledgeable, have vast experience in the field, and are always happy to clear our doubts, even after classes. I had some issues in understanding some of the topics, but given extra classes and the help from the instructors, I was able to exceed on my CAA exams with ease. Flight instructors created a positive atmosphere in the cockpit; they teach and correct us calmly, understand and mitigate the stress we go through, encourage us, and never rush anything.

Vihaan Vineet Sapru
The academy has experienced instructors who are really good at explaining and clearing up doubts, and their teaching methods for practical flying are highly commendable. They let you make mistakes, explain why you made them, help you understand how to correct them, and let you perfect your skills yourself.

Nand Shukla
The entire teaching staff was highly professional and brought a wealth of experience to the training. Instructors demonstrate exceptional knowledge and are always helpful, maintaining a friendly approach throughout. The combination of expertise and approachability makes the learning experience both engaging and enjoyable. They went beyond the standard curriculum, not only covering the material from the books but also imparting invaluable knowledge essential for success in the aviation field. Flight instructors were exceptional, ensuring that no issues arose throughout the process.

Rajveer Singh Sachdev
The instructors were very professional, knowledgeable, and supportive, providing valuable feedback that enhanced the learning experience. Their expertise and commitment to safety made a significant difference in my training.

Ankit Teeluck
Instructors demonstrate a strong level of professionalism and are genuinely caring, providing support and assistance to students. BAA Training features experienced instructors who are passionate about teaching, which enhances the quality of my training. Their dedication to fostering a positive learning environment greatly enhances the overall training experience. I also have to mention Training Managers who always aim to make your experience better and who are always there to provide help and support.
A minha carreira na aviação começou em 2007. Desde então, voei como Co-piloto, Comandante, Comandante de treino de voo para linha aérea e Comandante verificador de linha aérea para várias companhias. Acumulei cerca de 6.000 horas de experiência de voo e um total de aproximadamente 2.500 horas de instrução de voo ou verificação em simulador, em todas as variantes do Boeing 737, desde o Classic, NG até ao MAX. Além disso, trabalhei também em várias organizações de formação desempenhando papéis-chave.