Yet aspects like finances, job hunting, and training length still impact the size of the pilot pool. To help meet the increasing pilot demand, BAA Training has partnered with Pilot Runway, a breakthrough project in the aviation industry, as its pilot training provider, helping aspiring pilots get full-scope training.  

Multi-Crew Pilot License (MPL) program 

Since Pilot Runway seeks to fully prepare students to operate in a multi-crew environment while working as a First Officer (FO), pilot training is completed by undergoing the MPL program. Kenneth Mark Sorensen, Head of Training at BAA Training, explains what the MPL training program brings to the table. 

“Our MPL is considered and designed to utilize the competency-based training model. Instead of using the traditional way of training pilots, the candidates will be using the highest level of airline standards for simulators to obtain the nine related core competencies that we are monitoring and developing within the candidate.”  

Sorensen notes that the theoretical part of the traditional program is similar, but there are significant differences between it and the MPL program. 

“While you do cover the same syllabus, it’s only up to a certain point called Core training. This includes ATPL theory and Ab Initio flight school training. Then, the candidate of an MPL will proceed to the last 3 phases—basic, intermediate, and advanced—and lean towards using the aircraft type-specific training from, for example, an Airbus A320 or Boeing 737. This means that there is much more airline-relevant simulator time compared to the time spent on smaller single- and multi-engine aircraft like Cessna 172S and Tecnam P2006T in the flight school. At the end of the training comes Base and Line training, specific to your employer-airline aircraft fleet, solidifying the student as a new professional airline pilot.” 

BAA Training Spain, three (3) simulators.
BAA Training Spain full flight simulators.

Apart from the technical side, MPL also focuses more on multi-crew human factors training, especially the nine core competencies and a massive involvement from the cooperating airline in guiding the student towards their airline procedures and standards. 

“What ensures high-quality preparation for the work as an airline pilot is our expert instructor stab here at BAA Training,” explains Sorensen. “From ground school, flight school, and all the way to Type Rating, they are highly experienced instructors with an extensive assessment process and standardization level. I would say that BAA Training brings some of the most qualified instructors to the training sessions, especially during the MPL training, as they are required to have airline experience to become MPL instructors.” 

Shorter pilot training time 

Due to the more concise nature of the program, which is focused on preparing airline-ready pilots, MPL is also considerably shorter than similar programs available at universities, for example. Instead of a four-year degree, student pilots complete their training in 24 months, with Type Rating included. This means that their pilot careers start quicker than others’ with already secured employment at Pilot Runway’s partnering airlines—Avion Express, leading narrow-body ACMI and charter operator, and AirExplore, Slovakia’s largest airline, full-service ACMI and charter provider. 

Student pilots at BAA Training pilot training academy.
Student pilots at BAA Training.

Financed, job-guaranteed 

The two key moments the new pilot training program tackles are the financial and job aspects. Norbertas Akromas, Managing Director for the Pilot Runway Business Unit, says the new program aims to minimize entry barriers for all who aspire to become airline pilots. 

“For a high-reward career like a pilot’s profession, you need to invest in your training, but not everyone has the opportunity to do so. On top of that, some find it challenging to land a First Officer role right out of the gate. There are details and nuances of what makes up a pilot career, and you need to invest time into figuring out the path you want to take as a pilot. All of this can become overwhelming, but Pilot Runway tackles that for you.” 


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Since the student pilots undergo the MPL training program and graduate with an MPL license, they already have a guaranteed First Officer role at one of the project’s European partner airlines. The locked-in job also entails that the soon-to-be pilots can apply for financial assistance before they begin their studies—a loan from an airline to cover the majority of their training costs. 

“This type of pilot training package takes a lot of uncertainty and takes the weight off the aspiring pilot’s shoulders. They don’t need to worry about the financial aspect of the training—whether they will be able to afford it or not—or fret about job hunting or employment woes when the time comes. All they have to do is focus on their studies, their motivation, and the result of becoming a First Officer.” 

The pilot career that is easier to reach 

These types of programs and projects in the aviation industry are extremely rare. With a comprehensive MPL pilot training program, an airline loan option, and a guaranteed job before even starting the training, Pilot Runway gives future pilots a great chance to jump-start their careers. Besides, solid work experience and a well-paying job are gained from the very beginning of the career—pilot salaries are among the highest ones.  

“The project, which started at the beginning of April, has already attracted a lot of interest,” says Akromas.” The conditions created to start the pilot career are exceptional, and the number of spots available in the program is limited. That is why we look for motivated candidates who want to achieve their dream careers.”